I am most interested in a career in psychoneuroimmunology. Scientists who work in this area study the biological connection between the mind and immunological factors relating to health and healing. This is my ideal occupation because it includes my two criteria for a career: I would be doing something to benefit society and performing a job that is enjoyable, challenging and meaningful to me.
Throughout the ages, scholars have tried to find ways to alleviate human pain. Although multitudes of procedures have been tried, none have been completely successful. Drugs can relieve pain temporarily or ease the symptoms of a disease. Antibiotics can cure some illnesses but not every one and not instantaneously. Regardless of the outcome of disease and treatment, the patient may have to endure a great deal of pain. The mind, however, can be a powerful tool. If people could learn to rehabilitate themselves quicker with a positive attitude, we could, on the practical side of things, reduce hospital stays and increase productivity, and, in general, lead longer, happier, and healthier lives. I want to be able to help people ease this possibly unnecessary suffering.
This career promises the type of in-depth medical research combining a multidisciplinary approach that greatly appeals to me. If the neurological or genetic basis for why some people heal faster or more effectively than others could be discovered, then we could develop similar ways to treat others. People who recover faster and more fully from certain diseases than the average person could be studied using a variety of psychological, immunological, and neurological tests in an attempt to detect any unique characteristics they might possess.
Many people have hypotheses about different aspects of this subject, but much more investigation needs to be done before we know anything for certain. I want to be one of the individuals involved in basic research to advance our knowledge in this area. Despite the fact that research on these topics is in its infancy, I am very optimistic for its future impact on human health and well-being. As I look forward to becoming a pioneer in this area, I am prepared for what might be a long and sometimes frustrating search. Yet I also envision groundbreaking discoveries or on a more realistic scale, solving smaller pieces of a larger puzzle which may lead to a long-awaited breakthrough.
I know how difficult and also how rewarding research can be because both of my parents are researchers, and I have done research projects for my science courses. The most important thing, of course, is that humanity may benefit. Such a pursuit of knowledge would be incredibly satisfying because of its potential to help so many. To me, the call to a lifetime of this work is irresistible.