人總是傾向著以成敗論英雄。我申請了這么多美國學(xué)校,才錄了這么幾個,詢問者的目光卻都集中在了成功的那幾個上了。 其實(shí)私以為有面試的幾個學(xué)校進(jìn)行得挺不錯,essay也很問心無愧地寫了。至于結(jié)果,應(yīng)該是他人之下,rp未滿吧。
申請的那段時間,放寬了講,從來英國之后,窄了講,去年暑假開始,一直到今年1月1日晚上11點(diǎn),真是名副其實(shí)的狗一般的日子。 你看多少帖子,聽多少前輩介紹經(jīng)驗(yàn),當(dāng)自己經(jīng)歷的時候才能切切實(shí)實(shí)地感受到真的痛苦,壓力,彷徨和狂喜。 現(xiàn)在回頭看,多少有點(diǎn)隔岸觀花的味道,也能和當(dāng)時的感情脫離了冷眼旁觀。 一切情緒波動的來源,大多是因?yàn)閷o法存檔從來的人生游戲太過認(rèn)真的緣故了吧。
一開始,急于求成,而無法心平氣和。 記得當(dāng)初從頭到尾看了好多遍有名的“感動哈佛50篇”,腦子里滿滿的都是別人的故事。下意識的就把自己往別人的模子里套,比較,改正,努力,模仿那樣的文筆。 反省一下,其實(shí)這是自己一貫以來習(xí)慣的做事方式。畫畫是這樣,讀書也是這樣。總是覺得別人的作品那么漂亮,自己臨摹了很有滿足感。其實(shí)想來,在那么一層層的不同風(fēng)格疊加之后,自己卻看不清自己了。 阿米巴般的我,能夠適應(yīng)是件好事,在開始寫essay的時候卻吃足了苦頭。
第一篇PS,歷時三個月,改了十多稿,開始到最終,文字和主題幾乎都完全不同。 不言自明的失敗??偨Y(jié)一下,硬傷很多:開始主題未明確,好高騖遠(yuǎn),恨不得把自己的一切放到PS里面,同時又沒有真正地認(rèn)清自我的特點(diǎn)。文章太長,流于形式,無謂的華麗辭藻,通通應(yīng)該不要。刪來刪去沒下700字,直接out。
除了PS,其他大大小小的文章非常之多。為了找靈感,不是趴在網(wǎng)上就是埋在哲學(xué)等書籍里。腦中一團(tuán)棉花,靈感火花點(diǎn)不燃就被按熄了。 偶爾有一個順利獲得氧氣掙扎著可以燎原,我就狂喜地趕緊把它寫下來。
逐漸地,和畫畫一樣,似乎是找到了手感。在無數(shù)次trial and error之后,一點(diǎn)點(diǎn),自己的文筆剝繭抽絲般開始顯現(xiàn)了。 令人窒息的茫茫無期的瓶頸期,總算是快要過去了。
這段時間是最鉆心剜骨的。光是EA的兩個學(xué)校Michigan和Chicago就讓我手足無措,處處碰壁。PS寫了十多版,Chicago的文章每篇也至少全部推翻重寫了三次,改了十幾次。對于一切從頭學(xué)起的我,這三個月的寫作補(bǔ)習(xí)無可避免的,并且無可避免地痛苦。 不過這為日后剩下的學(xué)校在十天之內(nèi)都寫完打下了有力的基礎(chǔ)。
UChicago: Your favourite art work?
The magic of a piece of great art work is that it elevates one to a higher level of consciousness, where day-to-day reasoning can never get close. To me, Pachelbel’s Canon in D major is one of these masterpieces. Right from the strike of the first note, Canon, with its flooding richness and aching beauty, reveals before the listener a pure process of ascending—emotionally, intellectually and aesthetically. At the same moment, past, present and future exist inconceivably together, as the music itself exhibits neither a start nor an end—it repeats to infinity, yet with new subtleties added every time. The overall effect is a stunning harmony, highly ordered, full of but without excessive emotion. In Canon, no opinion or central theme is stated—I tend to view it as a loaded “empty basket”, waiting for the listeners to take out their own understanding. Curiously enough, Canon always invokes seemingly disconnected images in me: from endless DNA helix rotating in space, to millions of stars floating in the Universe. I guess it is because the idea of infinity in the music itself somehow resembles the beauty of infinity in science. This is exactly why Canon is my favorite: it lifts my sense from daily triviality, and bestows me a boundless space—an “empty basket”—for intelligence to roam.
Indeed, a lot of my favorite art works possess this “empty-basket” quality. Bach’s Air on G String, Beethoven’s Piano Concerto 5# “Emperor” Adagio and Piano Sonata No.29 are all good examples of the type of music that inspires my thinking. In the realm of visual art, Bernini’s sculpture The Ecstasy of St. Teresa and Da Vinci’s painting St. John the Baptist also have the same effect. Even films like 2001: a Space Odyssey (especially its ingenious opening with Richard Strauss’ Also Sprach Zarathustra) is tremendously simulating. The list of my favorite art work is still expanding. Maybe itself is just an “empty basket”, embracing any intellectual exposures to come.
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